April 4th

The sun rising from beyond the bed, it is earlier, it is later, than I thought

Soon again to the day, with the cats, the dogs, the chickens

She stands out in the wind next to the road, behind the stop sign, smelling the world

Tractors have begun back to their roaring,

Dust in the evening, clouds come to the ground and glowing in sunset,

He sings like a bird when he is happy, sometimes the same songs, one by the Beatles, one by himself,

Oh theres someone out there
waiting to hear you
say I love you

Oh what a vision

The sun, the wind, the rain,

Slow down, ride the ridges, speed up through the low spots,

Purple and gold and green and brown,

But let me tell you something
You know this country
Can always come up for
Money in times
Of war

One thing I noticed now you can get up and complain as much as you want to
Nothing changes

New York times
Sunday paper
They found a way to extract the oil
From the air,
No shit.

Land for sale
They aren't making any more of it

Eggs and asparagus
If we were ever broke

I'd become a good shot and a better gardener, 

More conscious of it all

Woke up this morning and ate some of those new plants, yellow flowered at the top and they tasted all bodied and like broccoli, tender,
I couldn't wait to show him,

Smiling, blue skies.