Poetry Month - April 1st

Honey, chili flakes, cayenne pepper, vinegar, oregano, garlic salt,

collards from the garden, 

Neckbone boiled for half an hour, removed, cleaned, reserve the water, reserve the meat,

bring them all together 

Chicken broth, onion, garlic,

black eyed peas

Mayonnaise, cornmeal, buttermilk (yogurt and water), pickled jalepenos, let's try onion this time

cornbread (recipe written on the cabinet door)

Heat the skillet until the oil begins to steam, oven on 450.

Pour the mixture in and press the oil back like the red sea.

Wait until the center bubbles, put in the over for 13 minutes,

unless it isn't yet at temperature, then maybe 15.

When the timer sounds, if the center is firm:

Cornbread, greens, black eyed peas,

Aroma through the house like Christmas morning but springtime,

the last of winter behind us, evidenced everywhere. 

Windows open in this big warm home,

The rooster tries to sleep every night in the dog house.

Mowed and tilled all day, after painting all morning,

beginning to feel greedy for the size of the garden,

She said who is this you have with you today, looking truly sideways,

Hot Bologna sandwich,


They sell out of tamales early, and now they are open late.


A violet sky hazed day,

Rain tomorrow.